Tuesday, December 30, 2008

28 Weeks

We have reached our first goal!

We reached 28 weeks on Sunday & are now looking forward to our next goal of 30 weeks. We saw the peri on Monday and things are looking relatively good. All of the babies have gained weight - Baby A now tips the scale at 2#7oz, Baby B is 2#1oz, and Baby C is still our runt at 1#13oz. We are excited that they will all be over 2 pounds soon. The babies all have approximately the same amount of water and are now praticing "breathing". My cervix is stable and we are excited that I am still pregnant.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hospital Update

Still Pregnant

I am happy to announce that we are still pregnant & doing fine. Things are not ideal, but the babies are still growing & we are just trying to keep them in as long as possible. Our boy is now around 2 pounds and are girls are a little smaller at about a 1 1/2 pounds. Of course girls are generally a little smaller & identical twins are always smaller so we are not too worried, but will keep a close eye on them. We will reach 28 weeks in 9 days and hope to make it at least that far.

We will be in the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy so they can keep a close eye on me and the babies. Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Turn for the Worst

Our New Home

Just a quick update- On Wednesday we had a cervix check with our perinatologist. Unfortunately my cervix had changed substantially since the previous Wednesday, so we were sent straight over to Labor & Delivery and not allowed to leave the hospital. They gave me magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions, steroid shots to help mature the babies lungs, and have confined me to strict bed rest, along with a lot of monitoring. Everything has stabilized and the babies are doing very well. As of Thursday my cervix was measuring a little longer and things are moving in the right direction. We may or may not be in the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy, and hope to know more after our next peri appt on Wednesday. More likely than not, we will not be leaving until after the babies are here.

We are in EIRMC Women's Care, room 112. Our room phone number is 208-529-7112. We appreciate everyone's support & well wishes, but please beware that we are here to rest & relax, so may not always be up for visitors & phone calls. I have my cell phone and laptop, so feel free to communicate with me through email or call my cell phone & leave a message if I am not available.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

23 Weeks

Good News

Things are going pretty good. I've had no more trips to L&D and am feeling good, though quite achy and swollen. My perinatologist appt went well today and he said that we couldn't ask for any better at this point. The babies are all gaining weight and very active. Baby Boy A is now 1#7oz, Baby Girl B is 1#6oz, and Baby Girl C is 1#4oz. Baby C has always been our runt, but she is the most feisty. The u/s tech tried to get some pictures since Brian was working & couldn't be there, but they are just too squished to get any good profiles- bummer.

My cervix is still holding strong & I feel encouraged that we'll carry until at least January, but I'm shooting for February. We are going to start going to the peri every week. I'll get my cervix checked every appt, but only do growth scans every 2 weeks. We will be 24 weeks on Friday and am now looking forward to our next milestone of 28 weeks.

Last night, Brian & I watched the National Geographic documentary "In the Womb- Multiples". It was so fascinating! We just got it from Netflix if anyone is interested in watching it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

22 Weeks

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had an appt yesterday with our reg OB. Everything is going smoothly again. We have been put on some medication to ward off the contractions and it seems to be working very well. We, also, have some stronger medication in case I have break through contractions, so hopefully we will not have anymore trips to L&D. We are only 8 days away from hitting our 24 week milestone, and I am very anxious to get there. Every week makes such a huge difference at this point. I am so grateful to have made it this far without too many scares.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

21 Weeks

The trouble has begun!

So we had our first real scare last night, but everything is ok now. Brian was working over time yesterday so I was home by myself and started having contractions around 4pm. He called at 5pm to say he would be home soon but I was starting to get scared because they weren't stopping, so when he got home we called the Dr & they sent us into Labor & Delivery. By the time we got there (around 6pm) I was having contractions every 1-3 minutes. I didn't realize that I was having so many because they aren't painful. So they hooked me all up to the monitors & gave me an IV and terbutaline and the contractions stopped pretty quickly. That drug is nasty though and made me all crazy shaky. We got discharged around 9pm, so it was all over pretty quick.

I had an appt with my peri this morning & everything looks good, but I am having contractions today too. I had one while they were measuring my cervix and it went down to 3.1cm, and then back up to 4cm after it stopped. All of this is normal with a triplet pregnancy- I just have to make sure that I go into L&D if I have steady contractions so they can stop them before they become a problem.

They might give me a preventative drug to take at home if I have more of these episodes. That would be nice, since its kind of a hassle to go to the hospital. Other than that everything looks totally fine. The babies are all doing very well and starting to gain more weight. Our boy is the biggest & he is over a pound now. Yeah!!!

Sorry no new pics this week- we were focused on other issues at the ultrasound.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

20 Weeks

Its getting cramped in there!
We saw our perinatologist yesterday, and the appt went pretty good, but not as good as we would have liked. Baby Boy A has a couple of small cysts in his brain. They are choroid plexus cysts. Apparently they are pretty common and usually will disappear on their own in the next month or so, but in about 1% of babies with this condition it is an indicator of Trisomy 18. Our boy has no other Trisomy 18 indicators (like heart defects or slow development) but it still hard for me to hear "Trisomy 18" come out of my Dr's mouth. My doc ordered me to stay off google- so I don't freak myself out. I'm trying not to worry about it, after all, there is a 99% chance that everything will be ok.

Its getting harder to get good pictures because the babies are getting kind of cramped in there. Baby A is too far down in my pelvis to be very photogenic, so we just have pictures of the girls.

All the babies are growing steadily. Boy A is about 14oz, Girl B - 13oz, and Girl C- 12 oz. My cervix had shortened about 1/2 cm, so we've officially been put on pelvic rest. Our Dr said that we will definitely be on bed rest at some point, maybe in the not too far off future.

I have seemed to really hit a wall in the last couple of days. Just going to my appt yesterday totally wore me out. I'm going to limit my time on my feet from now on, and see if this helps.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

19 Weeks

Baby Girl C's Feet


We had another appointment yesterday with our reg OB. They gave me cookies while I waited for a room- I love them! 2 weeks ago my uterus measured at 25 weeks and yesterday it was 32 weeks!!! That's quite the growth spurt. They, also, snuck us in for another ultra sound to double check the genders for us. We have confirmation - 2 girls and a boy. The babies were all so active. Baby Boy A was kicking his sisters a bunch trying to get more room, and playing with his penis. He's definitely a boy. Baby Girl B was fighting back & we actually saw her peeing. It was crazy! I didn't think you would be able to see it that way. It was so funny!! Now we know her kidneys work- yeah! Baby Girl C is our most active baby. She is always kicking me or one of her siblings. Her heartbeat is always slightly higher- probably from all the aerobics she is doing! The best thing was we caught it all on DVD. Masturbating and peeing in the womb- it's going to be great blackmail!

This morning I woke up really early & think I was having contractions. I'm not really sure though. They told me that would happen & as long as I don't have more than 4 an hour- not to worry. I only had 2, so I went back to sleep, but today my left hip is killing me!! It feels like Baby Girl B is trying to push my leg out of its socket. I can barely walk. I'm just hoping it gets better by tomorrow since we have the Fireman's Ball to go to. I don't want to be hobbling around like a cripple.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

18 Weeks

2 Girls & a Boy

Well, surprise, surprise, we had another ultrasound on Wednesday & now they are saying that the identicals are girls, and the fraternal is a boy. Of course we just bought 3 blue cribs last week, so I guess it was to be expected with our luck. We are going to wait unitl our next ultrasound in 2 weeks to get confirmation before we do any exchanging.

All 3 babies are doing very well and growing according to plan. Baby A is about 10oz, Baby B- 9oz, and Baby C- 8oz. Everything is right on schedule. The twins are still not showing any signs of TTTS and my cervix is holding still. We feel very grateful to have not had any complications so far.

The babies are getting more and more cramped so it is getting pretty hard to get good pictures. They are all very active- especially Baby C who really likes to kick me. I am holding up well- I'm just very, very tired all the time. We only got one good picture this week- Baby Girl C.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

16 weeks

Three Boys!!!

The verdict is in and its three boys for us. Now the preparations will begin. Our ultra sound went very well, and all 3 of the boys are doing well. The twins are showing no sign of TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion) and everyone is growing according to schedule. The pregnancy is very uneventful right now, which is exactly what we what!