Sunday, March 22, 2009

Free At Last!!!


Last Wednesday Edison was ready to break out of baby jail & his sisters couldn't wait for him to get home.

Here is the first picture of all three together at home.

On Friday the weather was wonderful and we took the babies for a walk. Everyone at the park was talking about our three beautiful babies.

We tried to take some cute pictures of our naked babies, but they weren't really in the mood for a photo shoot. Maybe later?!?
Doesn't Edison look giant in this photo? He really is the big brother.
We are just so happy to have all of the kids at home where they belong. We are pretty busy but loving every minute of it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Girls Are Home!

Just a Quick Update
The girls came home on Saturday. Everything is going smoothly, but it is very hard to not have Edison with us. He is doing great. He is taking about half of his food by bottle and we hope that he will be joining his sisters in the near future. We spend our days feeding babies, running to the hospital to see Edison, and catching a few zzzzzzzs when we can.
Please be aware that due to RSV season our house is currently under quarantine. If anyone has been sick (even just a running nose), or been around someone who is sick- please do not come to see the babies. We appreciate everyones help in protecting our family.